
IV、Economics Major

◆Bachelor level

covers the statistical tools needed to explore the empirical relationships between economic variables.? Topics include statistical inference and estimation, regression, hypothesis testing and forecasting.? This course also helps students to be familiar with econometric software packages.?

Game Theory
introduces the basic concepts and applications of game theory.? Topics include static games, dynamic games, and economics of information.?

History of Economic Thoughts
aims to introduce various traditions of economic history as well as the impacts of different schools of economic thoughts.?

Industrial Organization
introduces the relationship between market structure, conduct and performance.? In addition, the course incorporates the role of government into the analysis of industries.?

Information Economics
concerns to introduce economic theories, concepts, and real world cases related to information technology.?

International Finance
emphasizes the facts and theories of international finance.? It examines the monetary approach to international finance, the portfolio balance model, the Mundell and Fleming model and international financial policy.?

International Trade
considers the real side of interrelationship between countries. Topics include the reasons for trade, the gains from trade, trade policy, international factor movements, economic integration and the important international economic agreements.

Labor Economics
introduces basic theories of labor supply and labor demand.? The course also covers specific issues in the labor markets of Taiwan.?

concerns the basic analytical models of microeconomics, including supply, demand, theories of consumer and firm, market structure, market failure and general equilibrium.

presents the overall performance of an economy and its measurement.? It examines the causes for changes in output, price level, interest rate and unemployment.? It also discusses the effects of fiscal policy and monetary policy under various theoretical models.?

Monetary and Banking Economics
offers an extensive analysis to monetary policy, financial markets, financial institutions and financial instruments.? It also deals with the actions of central banks, which conduct monetary policy and thereby affect financial markets.?

Network Economics
introduces the common nature of the information goods. In addition, the course applies the basic tools of microeconomics and industrial economics to explore the strategies for consumers, firms, as well as government in the network economy.

Public Finance
concerns the spending and taxing activities of the government and how the spending and taxation policies affect individual behaviors and the economies.? Moreover, this course examines how these policies are made.

◆Master level

China Study
introduces the Chinese economic transition during the post-economic reform era, the development prospects of Chinese economy, and the challenges for the future.?

aims to train students with advanced econometric models and statistical tools to analyze data. By exercises, students are expected to be able to apply suitable empirical works, to examine their hypothesis, and to explain the outcome in economics-related means.

Economics of Management
covers how a profit-maximizing business can achieve its goals by efficient means.? The course also offers the students an advanced understanding to the theoretical development and current issues of managerial economics.?

Health Economics
presents basic concepts, advanced theories and empirical analyses to understand the market structure of medical service, the incentive mechanism design to each medical service participants, and the problems of public health insurance system in Taiwan.

introduces advanced micro theories, which includes consumer theory, firm theory, market structure, general equilibrium theory and welfare economics.

includes advanced analyses of aggregate demand and supply, economic growth models, and the theories and impacts of monetary and fiscal polices.

Technology Economics
deals with an applied version of industrial organization. The course focuses on the impact of R&D on value-added chain and technology externality.? The course also aims at the discussion of how a nation’s market structure and industrial restructure affect her international competitive edge.